
The Community Matters Partnership (CMP)


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion (people who legally or finacially excluded)
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Raised £50,000 for local homeless centre.

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Private companies are now more aware of the needs in their community, eg a local hotel has started employing homeless people.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities (enabling people to adapt to their changing circumtances)
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
CMP has directed companies to issues within their community - companies will now take on apprentices and young people because they've been made aware of the issues.

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Key work of CMP - bringing all parties together to work collaboratively to address local needs - impact is that local needs are much better addressed.

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
CMP has supported local council in developing social entrepreneurship, and provided eduction and information to private and public sectors.

B1f - Amenities for local people
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Local people now receive much better support from public and private sectors as a result of these sectors being aware of the needs of communities - CMP has enabled leverage of additional money and expertise into the community.

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
All members will take part in a number of actiivites to raise aspirations of young people - eg mentoring, volunteering, fundraising for youth grouops, work expereince, apprenticeships, aspirational schools talk programme.

B1h - Crisis response
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
During snowy weather, the normal Meals on Wheels provider could not operate. CMP emailed its member companies and asked employees with 4x4s to deliver meals.

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Any other comments?
Not applicable

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