
Step into the market through theraphy work with addicts

in Sociotheraphy Institute of Zala County (ceramics production)


A1 - Title in original language
Zala Megyei Szocioterápiás Intézmény - Kerámia műhely működtetése, a termékek értékesítése

A2 - Title in English
step into the market through theraphy work with addicts in Sociotheraphy Institute of Zala County (ceramics production)

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)
West-Transdanubian region

A5 - Economic field of activity
R Arts, entertainment and recreation

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To create or conserve employment
To provide educational opportunities
To improve social cohesion/inclusion

A7 - Spatial scale
Regional (large scale)

A8a - Start date
January 2003

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)

A9 - Short description of the GP
People with addictions are trained ceramist and the by them produced products are sale on the market. Employees work on base of employee contract. The work is a complex rehabilitation as part of the therapy.

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
complex rehabilitation
theraphy for addicts
income generating work
market sales

A11 - Objectives of the GP
Complex rehabilitation of addicts with trainings, work and therapy which ensure to return to the open labour market.

A12 - Activities that have taken place

  1. Learning pottery outside the school system
  2. complex rehabilitation of addicts where the trainings and work are part of it
  3. receiving orders, market research
  4. production
  5. sales

A13 - Achievements of the GP
The people who took part in the program acquired skills and became employee. The organisation could appear on the market with the products which were produce by the participants.


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The addicts can step into this sheltered market already during the therapy.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The program is example how to combine the education/training and the social economy.

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The employer is a state institution which could be barrier of the market sales in terms of income. For the long-term sustainability it would be required to continue the employment in other non-profit form.

B1f - Amenities for local people
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The addicts could learn a new profession.

B1h - Crisis response
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
This is a most vulnerable target group on the labour market. The program is able to solve the individual, psychiatric and economy crisis causes by the addictions.

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
It is a good example to prove that the actors of the social economy are able to step into the market.

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The experiences of the program were integrated into the legislation of the employment of people with changed working abilities.


C1 - Is the governance of this GP fully inclusive?
Not known
Comments and learning points

C2 - How influential has this GP been on local or national decision makers?
Reasonable degree of influence achieved
Comments and learning points
The experiences of the program were integrated into the legislation of the employment of disadvantaged people with changed working abilities. Furthermore the therapy experiences appeared in the care of addicts.

C3 - How much partnership work has been involved?
A great deal of cross sectoral partnership working
Comments and learning points


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
They have an own website and an own shop. The results are communicated by indirect way as well (e.g. MESSE 1st Local Focus Group meeting).

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
The organisation takes part in researches (e.g. competency research in the topic public employment), professional forums and it introduces the results and practice on conferences as well as it reports for the maintaining organisations regular.

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?
The support for the addicts through their trainings, therapy and employment in order to increase the social inclusion.


E1a - Total annual income of GP 2011/12
The total budget of the whole program is not known. The total cost of the employment: cc. 750 HUF/person/hour (cc.2 EUR/person/hour)

E1b - How is this made up?
State aid. Sales revenues

E1c - Details of human resources
1 artist teacher
1 social employment coordinator
1 folk games and crafts instructor
1 coordinator (recreation, marketing expert)
1 pottery expert

E1d - Details of technology
taining program, manufacturing technologies

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage
machineries and equipments of the pottery

E1f - Details of external support
adult training center to implement the trainings

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?


F1 - Who set up the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F2 - Who runs the GP?
State - national

F3 - Short description/comments
From 2013 it is maintained by state.

F4 - Contact 
Anikó Simon
Sociotherapy Institution of Zala County
8784 Kehidakustány, Kúria u. 7.
Telephone +36/83/534026
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


G1 - Photos (between 1 & 3)

You can find more photos under the links below which show the ceramic products made by the addicts

G2 - E documents
the website of the organisation:
Local article about the products made by the organisation:
The organisation took part in product development and under this link it is an opportunity for web-sales:

G3 - Any other useful information
Olga Horváth – Gyöngyvér Kocsiné Gyenessey – Henrietta Ömböli – Erika Stankovics – Anikó Takács: Is it able to develop the social competency within social employment? – study contains the efficiency analysis of the organisation's work.



Way out Program: Social Self Employment and Microcredit Program in Hungary


A1 - Title in original language
KIÚT Program: Szociális mikrohitelezés és önfoglalkoztatás lehetősége Magyarországon

A2 - Title in English
Way out Program: Social Self Employment and Microcredit Program in Hungary

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)
Hungary (It was a national program)

A5 - Economic field of activity
S Other service activities

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To improve social cohesion/inclusion
To provide educational opportunities
To create or conserve employment

A7 - Spatial scale National

A8a - Start date
June 2010

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)
September 2012

A9 - Short description of the GP
Promoting social mobility and Roma integration

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
to become self-employed
personal development consulting
optimizing social and financial assets
intensive permanent fieldwork

A11 - Objectives of the GP
The program aims to encourage people living in extreme poverty - especially Roma people - with social support, financial services and providing information to become self-employed thus will be able to improve their social status and to create a livelihood for themselves and their families. It focuses on creation of sustainable enterprises which are related to the normal circulation of the local economy.

A12 - Activities that have taken place

  1. elaboration of the model and basis of the lending activity
  2. fieldwork, establishment of groups, selection of target group
  3. optimizing social and financial assets
  4. loan disbursements
  5. personal counseling, support to become entrepreneur

A13 - Achievements of the GP

  • groups which received loans were established in 38 settlements
  • total amount of 70,5 million HUF (235 000 EUR) as loan was distributed for 138 clients
  • 60% of the debtor who received credit in the 2nd phase of the credit disbursement pursue business in the formal sector after the 1st year
  • repayment of credit will be in total around 55-60% despite the fact that it is a pilot project and the economic environment is less favourable year by year


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Credit was available for people who live in worst condition which was excluded for them so far

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Some of the target group became entrepreneur and those who were not able to continue their activities, implemented them as employee.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
cooperation between social and financial sector based on a new model

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Involvement of the most disadvantaged group who live in extreme poverty was implemented and these people became entrepreneur as self-employed.

B1f - Amenities for local people
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
These businesses mainly responded to the local needs of the citizens e.g. cucumber cultivation

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Counselling for target group which took part in the program as well as lending practices and consulting trainings for the program implementers were carried out.

B1h - Crisis response
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The program was implemented mainly in the most disadvantaged Hungarian areas like Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, Baranya county, etc.

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The traditional bank services weren't available for this target group therefore a special portfolio was developed.

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?
The program is no longer supported in Hungary.

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?
The program is no longer supported in Hungary.

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?


C1 - Is the governance of this GP fully inclusive?
Beneficiaries are highly involved in governance
Comments and learning points
5 persons who are eligibly for credit had to organise a group to develop and implement the business ideas. This group was the carrier of the idea.

C2 - How influential has this GP been on local or national decision makers?
No influence achieved
Comments and learning points
Despite of the achieved results the policy makers don't support the program. The credit disbursement is continued by privat resources without any state aids

C3 - How much partnership work has been involved?
A great deal of cross sectoral partnership working
Comments and learning points
Several large companies, banks and the state are among the sponsors. The program has great reputation in Brussels also .


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
website, continuous press&media coverage, introduction in Brussels

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
The program was financed mainly by EU but also the Hungarian state took part in it therefore the consultations were continuouse.

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?

  • microcredit on the base of the Grameen model which built on the cooperation and trust as sequential credit
  • furthermore the social element and the microcredit were linked in the personal counselling model (fieldwork)


E1a - Total annual income of GP 2011/12
590 million HUF (cc. 2 million EUR)

E1b - How is this made up?
EU and national financing during the project

E1c - Details of human resources program
management: 5 persons
fieldworkers: 15-22 persons

E1d - Details of technology
microcredit product

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage
central office and the vehicles for fieldwork

E1f - Details of external support
support of the partners (primarly technological support)

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?
Yes, as the reality shows it is continued by private capital


F1 - Who set up the GP?
Individual or group of individuals

F2 - Who runs the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F3 - Short description/comments

F4 - Contact
Csilla Sárkány
Way out Program Microcredit Mediation Nonprofit Corporation/Kiútprogram Mikrohitel Közvetítő Közhasznú Nonprofit Részvénytársaság
1056 Budapest, Fővám tér 2-3
Telephone +36/30/512 9752
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Any other contact people
Dr Schütt Margit


G1 - Photos
(between 1 & 3)

G2 - E documents

G3 - Any other useful information



Into the work processes built training and employment

...with involvement of disadvantaged peoples (Open gates and Handrail programs financed by EU)


A1 - Title in original language
Munkafolyamatba épített képzés és foglalkoztatás hátrányos helyzetű emberek bevonásával ( Nyitott kapuk és Kapaszkodó címmel EU-s program)

A2 - Title in English
Into the work processes built training and employment with involvement of disadvantaged peoples (Open gates and Handrail programs financed by EU)

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)
West-Transdanubian region

A5 - Economic field of activity
P Education

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To improve social cohesion/inclusion
To provide educational opportunities

A7 - Spatial scale
Regional (large scale)

A8a - Start date
May 2006

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)
June 2010

A9 - Short description of the GP
The program was implemented two times in 2006 and 2010. There was a worked-linked vocational training with involvement of disadvantaged people. Among others these trainings were in the most famous professions in the labour market (e.g. welder, metalwork). The trainings were implemented with training material which was match to the status of the target group. The trainers have been received a special preparation. There wasn't any requirement for elementary education it was acquired also during the training. The employment of the involved people was contract-based. Besides the training and employment the participants received continuous social support as well.

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
trainings built in work processes
training and materials fit to the status of the individuals
adjustment, compensation of the shortages
social support

A11 - Objectives of the GP
Organizing alternative and integrated training and employment program with continuous psychosocial support in order to promote the labour market integration of the target group. Supporting at least 58 persons to get job (qualified welder, metalworker, electronic waste sorter, basket weaver, and wicker furniture maker), some of them are employed long-term in the social economy.

A12 - Activities that have taken place

  • elaboration of the feasibility study
  • analysis of the needs of the labour market and target group
  • recruitment and selection of the target group (elaboration of the selection method which is match to the target group)
  • selection of the companies which provide training places for practice
  • elaboration of the training materials which are match to the status of the target group
  • preparation of the trainers
  • employment and training of the target group and social and psychological support for them as well as supporting people with elementary education to catch up and make exams
  • catch-up programs and development of the key competencies
  • work and practices on real sites (at large companies)
  • continuous collaboration with companies in order to prepare sufficient labour force
  • vocational exams, final exam
  • job search, preparing the labour force to search job alone and update the work legislation knowledge
  • support by the project leaders to lobby for the employee's rights at the contract signing phase
  • start to work and assist them in the first few months

A13 - Achievements of the GP
48 persons has got vocational exam which means the 83% of the participants and 63% of them is employed after 4 months at the open labour market or at social enterprises


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The participants had income. They could receive a significant existential growth. They and their family members became self-conscious employee.

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The project contributed to the increase of the local employment.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The unqualified and undereducated target group acquired skills which are match to the labour market demand. Due to the practice which was acquired during the program these workers have demand on the labour market.

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The education, the for-profit sector and the social actors were thinking together in the program.

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1f - Amenities for local people
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The training built in the work-processes offered training perspective for local residents with disadvantages and low educational qualification.

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
There have been proved that the people with previous school-failures could acquire profession through special training methods and training material as well as catch-up programs.

B1h - Crisis response
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The program responded adequate answer for the vacuum in the education

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Some of the trained people worked further in the social economy which resulted to create new work places.

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
The practice of the Savaria Rehab Team Non profit Ltd. was included in some central program but the complex system is missing in the current professional practice.

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Neutral impacts
Any other comments?
The program couldn't be accepted by the policy makers.


C1 - Is the governance of this GP fully inclusive?
Beneficiaries are highly involved in governance
Comments and learning points
The project was generated by the needs of the beneficiaries and during the whole program they operated a stakeholder forum and took part in the decisions of the management.

C2 - How influential has this GP been on local or national decision makers?
A little influence achieved
Comments and learning points
The program achieved only a little influence which now can not be detected

C3 - How much partnership work has been involved?
A great deal of cross sectoral partnership working
Comments and learning points
The great deal of cross sectoral partnership is proven by the following initiative: After the closure of the program there was a machinery company which planned a common training but due to the economic crisis the initiative couldn't carried out.


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
press releases, open days, appearance in press and media, brochure, leaflet

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
Conference (kick-off and final), press release, inform the local policy makers (General Assembly of the local government)

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?
The program contains employment activities to improve employability which could only bring permanent results if the complex program will be implemented. The elaboration of a special training material or competency development can also be used as single element in other training program.


E1a - Total annual income of GP
2011/12 140 000 000 HUF (466 000 EUR)

E1b - How is this made up?
It was made up by tender funds.

E1c - Details of human resources
manager, professional leader, mentors - social workers (3person)

E1d - Details of technology
training material, selection method, Competency Development Program, method of social - psychological support, method of addressing the entrepreneurs and development the partnership

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage
The company was the practice place of the brochure editor and basketry trainings therefore there were needed: 6 complete PCs with the necessary office and graphic software furthermore for the basketry necessary spinning chairs, twigs, soaking tubs.

E1f - Details of external support

  • for-profit companies to provide practice places
  • adult education centre to implement trainings
  • labour office to organise employment

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?
Yes. On the one hand this program could organize trainings for social enterprises as well it could implement workplace trainings for the for-profit companies. Today the significant part of potential labor force comes from the disadvantaged target group and the labor market couldn't do with the unqualified/undereducated labor force.


F1 - Who set up the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F2 - Who runs the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F3 - Short description/comments
The program doesn't work in this form. Only some components were built in other programs.

F4 - Contact
Olga Horváth (she as director of the Savaria Rehab Team Nonprofit Ltd. set up and managed the program but she don't work at the Ltd. already)
Pannon Business Network Associoation
9700 Szombathely, Zanati u. 32-36.
Telephone +36/30/6289491
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Any other contact people
Ballasa Imre ( Savaria Rehab-Team Nonprofit Kft.)


G1 - Photos
(between 1 & 3)

G2 - E documents

G3 - Any other useful information
There are methodological materials, summary reports (e.g. Handrail project's final report and needs assessment), project documentation, training-, employment and psycho-social programs



TÁMOP-2.4.3/B/1-09/1 CoopeRation Project

- professioanl services of Network of Hungarian Employment Non-profit Ltd. (OFA) for long-term sustainability of social cooperatives


A1 - Title in original language
TÁMOP-2.4.3/B/1-09/1 KoopeRáció Projekt – OFA Hálózat szakmai szolgáltató tevékenysége a szociális szövetkezetek hosszú távú fenntarthatósága érdekében

A2 - Title in English
TÁMOP-2.4.3/B/1-09/1 CoopeRation Project - professioanl services of Network of Hungarian Employment Non-profit Ltd. (OFA) for long-term sustainability of social cooperatives

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)
West-Transdanubian region and whole Hungary

A5 - Economic field of activity
N Administrative and support service activities

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To enable adaptation to new realities
To practically facilitate or enable social enterpreneurship

A7 - Spatial scale

A8a - Start date

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)
December 2011

A9 - Short description of the GP
The network provides professional supporting services, professional consultancy, professional customer service, professional events in topic legal, financing, business plan, business development and marketing as well as adult training for social cooperatives and for those people who are interested to establish a social cooperative. It encourages the creation of partnerships and organises events which generate network cooperation. It offers advisory for market extension and common media appearances, website and newsletters. It published information and methodology handbooks.

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
supporting services
network creation

A11 - Objectives of the GP
The main objective of OFA is to support the social cooperatives in order to facilitate the economic and labour market activity of the disadvantaged unemployed people. It encourages establishing social cooperatives through strengthening the employment which is based on local needs and demands as well as solidarity. Furthermore it aims to develop the professional knowledge of the social cooperative's operator or actors who contribute in it and on other hand it offers an extension of their management knowledge. It focuses to generate and develop cooperation between social cooperatives. Finally the experiences of the practices could be integrated by OFA into the employment policy.

A12 - Activities that have taken place

  • consultancy network creation and maintenance
  • organisation of info days
  • broad public information (marketing, PR)
  • network building
  • local consultancy
  • exchange and extension of experiences
  • provide information
  • integration of the experiences into the employment policy decisions

A13 - Achievements of the GP

  • approx. 300 registered social cooperatives were born nationwide
  • professional events with cc. 1000 participants
  • cc. 1000 consultancies
  • Handbook for social cooperatives
  • Training and informational videos on the OFA's website
  • PR films which were broadcasted in national TV during prime time
  • study about the social cooperatives
  • cooperation agreement between the 7 regions
  • recommendations, legislation modification suggestions were provided for policy makers


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
Social cooperatives were born and the chance to be sustainable was increased

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
The social cooperative became the employment place of the unemployed and disadvantaged people.

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
Social cooperatives were establish in various branches

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The consultancy and network creation supported the establishment of the social cooperatives and the creation of their maintenance

B1f - Amenities for local people
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The majority of the social cooperatives responded to the local needs and provides services for local people

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The consultancy and providing information extended the management knowledge of the social cooperatives

B1h - Crisis response Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
Some of the proposals were built into the legislation modification and also into the new calls for tenders

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
In the new calls for tenders more positive financial environment is expected.

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
There is a positive change: establishing a social cooperative is free of charge


C1 - Is the governance of this GP fully inclusive?
Beneficiaries are highly involved in governance
Comments and learning points
The activities were implemented on the base of the beneficiaries' needs and the proposals were built into the input documents which were elaborated for the policy makers.

C2 - How influential has this GP been on local or national decision makers?
A little influence achieved
Comments and learning points
Despite the positive results any breakthrough changes weren't achieved neither regarding the law on cooperative nor in terms of funding.

C3 - How much partnership work has been involved?
A great deal of cross sectoral partnership working
Comments and learning points


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
press releases, PR films, publications

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
information days, research document, proposals for policy makers

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?
methods and practices of the induvidual counseling


E1a - Total annual income of GP
2011/12 345 000 000 HUF(1,125 million EUR)/22 months

E1b - How is this made up?

E1c - Details of human resources
3 persons for project management (project manager, project assistant, financial manager)
8 persons for implementation (professional coordinator, regional leader)
5 experts (legal, financial, business plan, marketing and business development, adult training)

E1d - Details of technology
consultancy model

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage
office infrastructure: equipments, PCs, printer, copy machine

E1f - Details of external support

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?
Unfortunately this form of good practice has ceased. Without public funding it couldn't operate in Hungary yet.


F1 - Who set up the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F2 - Who runs the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F3 - Short description/comments
From 2012 it continue to operate in other form.

F4 - Contact
Anikó Királyné Kerék
National Employment Public Non-profit Ltd. (short name: OFA Network) - West-Transdanubian Office
9700 Szombathely, Kőszegi str. 2.
Telephone +36/94/887003
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Any other contact people
Dr. Gyopár Csáky


G1 - Photos
(between 1 & 3)

G2 - E documents

G3 - Any other useful information



Training with e-learning

methodology of the professionals who work in the field of employment rehabilitation (including the management of the social enterprises)


A1 - Title in original language
A foglalkozási rehabilitáció területén dolgozó szakemberek képzése e- learning módszerrel.

A2 - Title in English
Training with e-learning methodology of the professionals who work in the field of employment rehabilitation (including the management of the social enterprises)

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)
Hungary (It was a national program)

A5 - Economic field of activity
P Education

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To practically facilitate or enable social enterpreneurship
To provide educational opportunities

A7 - Spatial scale

A8a - Start date

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)
June 2009

A9 - Short description of the GP
Promotion of social inclusion of the disadvantaged people in a way that the social professionals take part in a continuous training which support their work and the employer to enter to the market.

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
high number of the attendees
management, legal and rehabilitation skills

A11 - Objectives of the GP
Training of employees with effective knowledge-transfer methods parallel to work

A12 - Activities that have taken place
Development of training material with info communication tools which is supported self-learning through e-learning platform. Creation of a multipliable program package and test-training

A13 - Achievements of the GP
Acquiring of the e-learning method, development of a renewable program package and test training with 20 persons


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion Impacts
not known
Any other comments?
there was just a narrow-scale testing

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The program provides the latest legal-; rehabilitation- and management knowledge and the employees weren't fall out of work.

B1d - Cross sectoral working Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Employment organisers and assistants acquired knowledge and practical skills

B1f - Amenities for local people Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1g - Educational opportunities
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
Large masses can be trained with this method at the same time so, that the attendees are not absent from work.

B1h - Crisis response
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The program undertook the HR training of the not-functioning or just barely functioning social enterprises which helped their crisis response

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs Impacts
not known
Any other comments?

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Neutral impacts
Any other comments?
Altough the policy ordered this program, it wasn't utiliezed.

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
Later, the program was extended towards Slovenia

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The social enterprises could acquire useful practical knowledge first time


C1 - Is the governance of this GP fully inclusive?
Not known
Comments and learning points

C2 - How influential has this GP been on local or national decision makers?
A little influence achieved
Comments and learning points
Unfortunately the compulsory training has ceased by the sectoral leader

C3 - How much partnership work has been involved?
A great deal of partnership working within sector only
Comments and learning points
The partners (social actors, labour office, and training centers) took part in the elaboration of the training materials.


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
Through the website of the project owner ontinuously communicated to the public, policy makers as well as the results were disseminated in kick-off and final conferences.

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
It wasn't communicated with the local or national decision makers.

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?
Yes, the e-learning method itself


E1a - Total annual income of GP
2011/12 any income due to the project closure the program was ended in Hungary.

E1b - How is this made up?
any income due to the project closure the program was ended in Hungary.

E1c - Details of human resources
training material developers, IT professionals

E1d - Details of technology
e-learning platform

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage
purchase of the e-learning platform for the maintenance period

E1f - Details of external support
involvement of e-learning experts

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?


F1 - Who set up the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F2 - Who runs the GP?
Not-for-profit organisation

F3 - Short description/comments

F4 - Contact
Mariann Magyar
Regionális Szociális Forrásközpont Nonprofit Kft/Regional Social Resource Centre Non-profit Ltd.
9700 Szombathely, 11-es Huszárút 116.
Telephone +36/30/3323277
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


G1 - Photos
(between 1 & 3)

G2 - E documents
Training material

G3 - Any other useful information



Crisis pantry - cultivation and sale of herbs


A1 - Title in original language
Kríziskamra - gyógynövénytermesztés és értékesítés

A2 - Title in English
Crisis pantry - cultivation and sale of herbs

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)
West-Transdanubian region

A5 - Economic field of activity
Q Human health and social work activities

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To create or conserve employment
To enable cross sectoral working
To improve social cohesion/inclusion

A7 - Spatial scale
Regional (large scale)

A8a - Start date
January 2010

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)

A9 - Short description of the GP
The project aims to create jobs for psychiatric people and addicts and to involve them into the employment. Therefore there are those kind of partnerships in which the entities of the for-profit sector provide significant support and participation.

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
job creation
psychiatric people and addicts
social responsibility

A11 - Objectives of the GP
The main objectives of the initiative are the sustainable job creation, rehabilitation of the psychiatric people and addicts through work and increasing their income-generating capacity, as well as strengthening the social inclusion.

A12 - Activities that have taken place
• mapping partners
• creating partnerships
• creating jobs on the basis of mutual interests
• production of marketable products
• client involvement into coplex rehabilitation
• supporting the clien's integration
• providing social services (residential and day care institution)

A13 - Achievements of the GP
• signing contracts with many big employers to work for them (e.g. EPCOS)
• thanks to the financial and natural donations of the partners (e.g. Industrialists Assoctiation) the central building was built and a lavender plantation was created with a processing factory in Vásárosmiske, furthermore new jobs were created in Vásárosmiske to collect herbs
• beside this some patients took part in social employment and produce handcraft products
• a tea shop was opened in Szombathely where herbal teas and other souvenirs are sold
• an own printing house is operating in Szombathely
• almost all of the residents and clients get to work in this system – currently 100 people are employed


B1 - How has the GP impacted on the following?

B1a - Legal/financial exclusion
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The organisation receives resources from the partnership in order to implement its objectives.

B1b - Creation or conservation of local employment
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The organisation opened employing opportunities on many small settlements.

B1c - Adaptation to new realities
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1d - Cross sectoral working
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
There is a very broad partnership with the for-profit sector, in which various branches (e.g. telecommunication, etc.) appear. The largest contributor is the Industrialists Association.

B1e - Enablement of social enterpreneurship
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
The partnership also encourages the participants to appear on the market and to develop marketable products.

B1f - Amenities for local people
Very positive impacts
Any other comments?
The workplaces for local residents offer job opportunity for them.

B1g - Educational opportunities
Positive impacts
Any other comments?
The trainings of each work processes are continuously.

B1h - Crisis response
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1i - Local financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1j - Local policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1k - National financial environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?

B1l - National policy environment for social enterpreneurs
Impacts not known
Any other comments?


C1 - Is the governance of this GP fully inclusive?
Beneficiaries are somewhat involved in governance
Comments and learning points

C2 - How influential has this GP been on local or national decision makers?
Not known
Comments and learning points

C3 - How much partnership work has been involved?
A great deal of cross sectoral partnership working
Comments and learning points


D1 - Please describe how the GP communicated its experience and success to the public
articles, other media appearances, the organisation has their own newspaper

D2 - Please describe how the GP communicated with local or national decision makers?
The local policy makers (Social Committee and General Assembly of Municipality of Szombathely) are informed about the implemented activities by the organisation.

D3 - Are there any elements of this project that you think would transfer particularly well to other contexts?
How could the non-profit and for-profit sector cooperate for the economic, environmental and social sustainability?


E1a - Total annual income of GP 2011/12
60- 70 million HUF (200 000-230 000 EUR) but it is the total operational cost. In additional the salary and social security contribution (ssc) are paid by the companies for whom the organisation is working.

E1b - How is this made up?

E1c - Details of human resources
work leaders

E1d - Details of technology
production of medicinal herbs, lavender cultivation, pottery making

E1e - Details of financial investment for start-up/early stage

E1f - Details of external support
businesses bring the technology, equipments and machineries

E2 - If public funding were withdrawn, could the GP continue to exist?


F1 - Who set up the GP?
Faith based not-for-profit organisation

F2 - Who runs the GP?
Faith based not-for-profit organisation

F3 - Short description/comments
The operating organization's religious foundation. There are many, many volunteers support the activity.

F4 - Contact
Mrs. Tuczainé Régvári, Marietta
Diocesan Caritas in Szombathely
9700 Szombathely, Hollán E. str. 10-12.
Telephone +36/94/318560
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Any other contact people


G1 - Photos (between 1 & 3)
Journals BELLS

G2 - E documents
Introduction of the activities:
Introduction of the 20 years old organisation:
website of the Caritas:

G3 - Any other useful information
Life in the Lavender House: