Into the work processes built training and employment
...with involvement of disadvantaged peoples (Open gates and Handrail programs financed by EU)
A1 - Title in original language
Munkafolyamatba épített képzés és foglalkoztatás hátrányos helyzetű emberek bevonásával ( Nyitott kapuk és Kapaszkodó címmel EU-s program)
A2 - Title in English
Into the work processes built training and employment with involvement of disadvantaged peoples (Open gates and Handrail programs financed by EU)
A3 - Location of GP (national)
A4 - Location of GP (regional)
West-Transdanubian region
A5 - Economic field of activity
P Education
A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To improve social cohesion/inclusion
To provide educational opportunities
A7 - Spatial scale
Regional (large scale)
A8a - Start date
May 2006
A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)
June 2010
A9 - Short description of the GP
The program was implemented two times in 2006 and 2010. There was a worked-linked vocational training with involvement of disadvantaged people. Among others these trainings were in the most famous professions in the labour market (e.g. welder, metalwork). The trainings were implemented with training material which was match to the status of the target group. The trainers have been received a special preparation. There wasn't any requirement for elementary education it was acquired also during the training. The employment of the involved people was contract-based. Besides the training and employment the participants received continuous social support as well.
A10 - Key words relating to the GP
trainings built in work processes
training and materials fit to the status of the individuals
adjustment, compensation of the shortages
social support
A11 - Objectives of the GP
Organizing alternative and integrated training and employment program with continuous psychosocial support in order to promote the labour market integration of the target group. Supporting at least 58 persons to get job (qualified welder, metalworker, electronic waste sorter, basket weaver, and wicker furniture maker), some of them are employed long-term in the social economy.
A12 - Activities that have taken place
- elaboration of the feasibility study
- analysis of the needs of the labour market and target group
- recruitment and selection of the target group (elaboration of the selection method which is match to the target group)
- selection of the companies which provide training places for practice
- elaboration of the training materials which are match to the status of the target group
- preparation of the trainers
- employment and training of the target group and social and psychological support for them as well as supporting people with elementary education to catch up and make exams
- catch-up programs and development of the key competencies
- work and practices on real sites (at large companies)
- continuous collaboration with companies in order to prepare sufficient labour force
- vocational exams, final exam
- job search, preparing the labour force to search job alone and update the work legislation knowledge
- support by the project leaders to lobby for the employee's rights at the contract signing phase
- start to work and assist them in the first few months
A13 - Achievements of the GP
48 persons has got vocational exam which means the 83% of the participants and 63% of them is employed after 4 months at the open labour market or at social enterprises
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