Funding for social economy and social enterprises in Greece
- The Strategic Plan for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Greece
Strategic Vision of the Ministry of Labour has been that Social Economy and Entrepreneurship will contribute to sustainable economic development at the local, regional and national level strengthening social cohesion.
Therefore the purpose of the Strategic Plan has been the rapid activation of the Ecosystem of Social Economy and Entrepreneurship, to create a favourable environment for the development of Koin.S.Ep.
The Strategic Plan incorporates 11 Actions planned which are the following:
Action Axis 1. Support for the sector of Social Economy
Action 1: Central Support Structure
Action 2: Observatory for Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship
Action 3: Regional Support Structures
Action 4: Actions of the Special Service for Social Inclusion and Social Economy (ΕΥΚΕΚΟ)
Action Axis 2. Financial Support for Social Cooperative Enterprises (koinSEp)
Action 5: Support for the pre start-up of KoinSEp
Action 6: Vouchers for the support of KoinSEp with "incubator" type services (start-up support)
Action 7: Vocational training for KoinSEp members and employees
Action 8: Grants for the purchase of cooperative shares by KoinSEp employees
Action 9: Support grants to KoinSEp for the creation of new employment positions
Action Axis 3. Financial instruments for the support of KoinSEp
Action 10: Complementary refundable grants
Action 11: Preparatory actions for the creation of a Micro Finance Institution - The SEs may have access to the under establishment Social Economy Fund.
The SEs may be integrated into entrepreneurship support programs, into programs organized by Manpower Employment Organization to support working and active employment policies.
The SEs may be included at the beginning of their operation in co-funded European projects - Local Plans for Employment (TOPSA)
The TOPSA projects are co-funded by National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2014 and are operated by Attica Region.
The aim of the projects is the activation of local stakeholders in order to create new job positions for unemployed people, after having investigated the local needs as well as the local developmental potential. They concern all the preparation actions needed for the unemployed to return to work and also the matching of supply and demand of labor.
Emphasis is given to both serve the existing local business community needs and the extension of the community to support young entrepreneurs and new sustainable business fields to emerge. The projects are implemented through developmental partnerships that have the form of Urban Non-Profit Companies. - Local actions for vulnerable groups (TOP-EKO)
The aim of TOP-EKO is to contribute towards the integration or reintegration into the labor market of unemployed belonging to socially vulnerable groups.
Actions aim at mobilizing local actors to create jobs and at the same time at effectively preparing unemployed to:
- Place unemployed to existing job positions
- To establish new business that will take advantage of local special characteristics.
- acquire skills that will meet the real and identified needs of local businesses that will hire them.
- To gain qualifications so as to be funded from other investment programs