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... in Italy

Funding... in Italy

Banca Popolare Etica funds nonprofit organizations, operating in four main sectors: social cooperatives, international cooperation, culture and environmental protection.

Credito Cooperativo Veneto - the Group of Cooperative and Rural Banks in Veneto Region - provides financial services not only for cooperatives, but also for local communities, social enterprises, SMEs and citizens.

Etimos Foundation deals with finance and social economy. It works, in Italy and abroad, as a "participatory foundation": an institution open to anybody who shares its principles and objectives. Over the years, it has specialized in the field of micro- and development finance, carrying out activities of planning, research, cultural promotion and divulgation. It presents itself as a business incubator and a collector of projects that combine social value and economic sustainability.

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo promotes quality of life and sustainable local development in the provinces of Padova and Rovigo. It finances projects and initiatives implemented by public bodies and nonprofit organizations.

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Verona, Vicenza, Belluno e Ancona is a bank foundation which funds projects submitted by non profit organizations, operating in the following sectors: scientific research, education, art, protection and valorization of environmental and cultural goods, health and social care.

Fondazione Monte di Pietà di Vicenza operates to promote actions and local development initiatives in the town of Vicenza in the following fields: art, culture, education, social care.

Microcredito per l'Italia is a new enterprise created on the basis of experience of Etimos operating in the field of microcredit and financial inclusion.

Solidarfidi is the first Italian experience of consortium of guarantee among social cooperatives, social enterprises and other non profit organizations. It is promoted by da Federsolidarietà to answer to the needs for credit of social cooperatives.

Terfidi Veneto - Terfidi Veneto, cooperative of credit guarantee born from the merger among Garanfidi Vicenza, Fidicomes Treviso and Fidimpresa Padova, offers the possibility to access to most advantageous credit possibilities addressed to cooperatives.

Mutualistic Funds
The Italian Law 59/1992 established the possibility for national cooperative federations to create mutual funds for the promotion and development of cooperatives. The three Cooperative Federations have established three joint-stock company for the management of these resources:

  • CoopFond (Legacoop)
  • FondoSviluppo (Confcooperative)
  • GeneralFond (AGCI)

The objective of the three funds consists exclusively in the promotion and financing of new enterprises and initiatives to develop cooperatives, with preference for projects promoting technological innovation, employment, growth and development.

CoopFond, FondoSviluppo and GeneralFond share two basic types of financing:

  1. measures to promote the creation of new cooperatives and new companies controlled by cooperatives;
  2. support actions for investment projects in fixed assets.