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... in Europe


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Web Link Reves Network

REVES is the unique european organisation based on partnership between local and regional authorities and territorial social economy organisations.

Web Link Social Impact Lab:

Die Social Impact Labs sind eine Plattform für Social Entrepreneurs, Freelancer und Unternehmen rund um das Thema Social Entrepreneurship. Sie bieten physischen Raum für Arbeit, Vernetzung und Austausch.
Hier finden Sie: Consulting & Qualifizierungsangebote, Shared Services, Networking, Veranstaltungen und Co-Working Space >> Alles rund um Social Entrepreneurship.

Web Link The EMES approach of social enterprise

The EMES approach derives from an extensive dialogue among several disciplines (economics, sociology, political science and management) as well as among the various national traditions and contexts in the European Union. Moreover, guided by a project that was both theoretical and empirical (1996-2000), it preferred from the outset the identification and clarification of indicators over a concise and elegant definition (Borzaga, Defourny, 2001).