Project network and/or umbrella organizations (i.e. organizations supporting Social Enterprises) at national and regional level... in Romania
Civil society organisation
- Centrocoop Uniunea Naţională a Cooperaţiei de Consum – is the national federation of consumer cooperatives.
- FDES - The Social Economy Development Foundation – Their mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of disadvantaged communities in Central and South-East by supporting social enterprises in the region, in the wider context of social economy.
- FDSC - Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile - The Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) is an independent, non–governmental organisation, established in 1994, following an initiative of the European Commission. CSDF is an "organisation for organisations", sharing the belief that the very development of non–governmental organisations is an indicator of the progress of communities and citizens. CSDF's growth has been certainly connected to the changing needs of the Romanian non–governmental organisations (NGOs): in the first half of the 1990s, we catered to the immediate need for funding of the emerging national NGO sector, through grant programs, while later on we gradually added new programs and services designed to meet specific needs identified in every development stage of the non–governmental sector.
- IES - Institutul de Economie Sociala (Institute of Social Economy) - FDSC initiated this institute as a strategic approach aimed at: development of independent NGOs and increase their impact in communities, developing relationships among NGOs and other forms of social economy in Romania (cooperatives, sheltered workshops, mutuality, socio-economic organizations with rural etc). Its goal is to participate actively in the development and strengthening of the social economy in Romania.
- RSBDC - Romanian Social Business Development Consortium - The goal of the Romanian Social Business Development Consortium is to help organizations and individuals establish and scale social enterprises that create jobs and revenue, with a minimum impact on the environment.
- UCECOM - National Union of Handicraft and Production Co-operatives was founded in 1951, being reorganized in 2006 (on the basis of the Law no. 1/2005 concerning the organization and functioning of the handicraft co-operatives), having permanently, since the foundation until now, the role of a representing organization of the handicraft co-operatives, at national and international level. It has 526 co-operative entities associated directly or indirectly" (co-operative societies, county unions and handicraft co-operative societies associations), totalizing a number of about 19,000 shareholders and, in their great majority, employees of those organizations.
Organisation interested developing social entrepreneurship projects
- FRDS - Romanian Social Development Fund - The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF), supported by the Romanian Government, has been assisting poor rural communities involved in social, economic and infrastructure projects. The two main working aims of the projects are: the establishment of public-private initiative groups using the bottom-up approach, and the development of the social capital. RSDF mission: Supporting the sustainable development of poor communities and other vulnerable groups in Romania, by promoting and assisting the identified local initiatives which are achieved, for the common benefit, by participatory involvement of the community.
- PACT Foundation - It contributes to community sustainable development both by encouraging, sustaining and promoting local and regional initiatives, partnerships and social responsibility among people, companies, authorities and public institutions. It works with people living in rural areas and small towns from Southern Romania in order to create structures of civil society. It creates the premises for social and economic welfare in its target communities by encouraging the citizens to develop entrepreneurial abilities and by supporting their initiatives of social entrepreneurship.