Blokada serwisu - Prosimy o kontakt z BOK Error 403Blokada serwisu - Prosimy o kontakt z BOK ... in Bulgaria

Project network and/or umbrella organizations (i.e. organizations supporting Social Enterprises) at national and regional level... in Bulgaria

The National Union of Worker Producers Cooperatives has 251 member cooperatives all over the country. They are united in 16 regional (territorial) unions, which are also NUWPC members.
NUWPC comprises also 30 specialized cooperatives of people with disabilities.
The main aim of NUWPC is to strengthen and develop the Union's system in the spirit of the cooperative principles and values, in the following fields: assistance, consultancy, access to finances, training, representation.

Samaritans Association mission is to work for complete uniting to the society of children, youths, elderlies and families in risk in Stara Zagora Municipality and to support separate people, groups and communities by realizing of activities and delivering of services, which:

  • are based on real necessities;
  • co operate and build ability for development of skills for self help in different situations;
  • assist the process of integration and encourage self development;
  • increased or restored social functions;
  • secure help for prevention of different consequences.

BARDA - The Bulgarian Association of Regional Development Agencies
The objective is to improve Economic Environment in Bulgaria through Measures for Encouragement of Entrepreneurial Initiative and Employment in Acordance with Economic Development Strategies of the Regions. BARDA aims to sustain, enhance and promote a Vaible Network of Sustainable Local Entities that Foster Regional Development in Bulgaria
BARDA is the only decentralised non-governmental umbrella organisation of independent regional development agencies and business centres in Bulgaria; BARDA has a good broad regional recognition and acceptance; BARDA is a reliable project partner for bilateral and multilateral organizations implementing regional development and SME support programs; BARDA is a keen partner for establishing business contact and investment promotion for the national and international private sector; BARDA takes an interest in fostering regional economic enhancement through dialogue and active participation in the public sector, etc.