... in Germany


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Web Link BonVenture

is a social venture capital fund that was established by committed individuals who wished to take responsibility for the community. Its investors dedicate their material and intellectual resources in order to leverage efficient social or ecological solutions that cannot be provided by the public sector. It has created the world's first EuSEF – European Social Enterpreneurship Fund.

Web Link BMW Foundation

takes a two-tiered approach to venture philanthropy. It would like to make the concept better known in Germany and Europe: among governments, non-profit organisations, and business philanthropists.

Web Link GLS Bank

finances primarily on the areas of energy, food, housing, education and social issues. Since its foundation in 1974 it has financed several thousand companies and projects, which all have the goal of making the world livable-in and sustainable.

Web Link KfW development bank

provides equity financing of between EUR 50,000 and EUR 200,000 to social enterprises, which aim to solve social problems in Germany with a proven innovative business model that they would like to scale up. The business model is expected to be self-supporting in the medium- to long-term. The focus is put on the social return rather than the achievement of a market-rate financial return. A necessary requirement for KfW to invest is the existence of a co-investor, which can be a natural person or a legal entity (e.g. a business angel or foundation). The form, conditions and term follow the specifications of the co-investor. KfW does not get involved in the management of the social enterprise but expects the co-investor to coach and support with regard to managerial and financial aspects. Amongst others, the programme explicitly lists education, poverty reduction and integration as focus areas.

Web Link Deutsches Mikrofinanz Institut

The DMI is the quality assurance body of the German microfinance sector, and serves some 80 member microfinance institutions.