The MESSE Video

Get to know the MESSE project, the partners behind the project and their work by watching the MESSE video.

The main objective...

... of the MESSE project is reinforcing and improving the effectiveness of regional policies in supporting and promoting socially responsible economic development, through identification, analysis, benchmarking and dissemination of best practices in legal, tax and operational instruments adopted by public authorities for enhancing the Social Economy. Within the newly proposed Europe 2020, the European Parliament has identified a need to promote the development of this sector, via the strengthening of the cooperation between public institutions, social enterprises and for profit companies.



From cooperation to corporation

- "Rayna Knyaginya - P" ltd. Guarantee for sustainable employment of people with disabilities.


A1 - Title in original language
От кооперация в корпорация - "Райна Княгиня - П" ООД. Осигуряване работни места за хора с увреждания

A2 - Title in English
From cooperation to corporation - "Rayna Knyaginya - P" ltd. Guarantee for sustainable employment of people with disabilities.

A3 - Location of GP (national)

A4 - Location of GP (regional)

A5 - Economic field of activity
C Manufacturing

A6 - Ultimate purpose of GP
To create or conserve employment
To enable adaptation to new realities
To improve social cohesion/inclusion

A7 - Spatial scale
Regional (large scale)

A8a - Start date
May, 1966

A8b - Anticipated end date (if applicable)

A9 - Short description of the GP
Integration of people with disabilities on the labour market

A10 - Key words relating to the GP
people with disabilities
quality of products

A11 - Objectives of the GP
Integration of people with disabilities on the labour market. The motto of the firm is "A variety bigger than your imagination". It pursues innovation in product design and superior quality of products and services constantly. One of its core objectives, however, is to guarantee integration of people with disabilities on the labour market.

A12 - Activities that have taken place
The enterprise provides employment for individuals with different degree of reduced work abilities. 46 new jobs has been created for people with disabilities. For the successful adaptation of the employees to the working process the firm has embraced the practice of mentorship by senior employees and all kinds physical and emotional support of the disabled. The main objectives are to achieve long-lasting and sustainable relations between the enterprise, its customers and its employees. For that matter, the activities on which the firm focuses are: investment in human capital, development of human resources and constant professional learning; investment in productivity boost through automation of production; maitaining high quality of the professional production environment, which guarantees enterprise's financial stability and competitiveness. The activities include: 1. Manufacture of plastics - it constitutes the greater part of firm's activities and it contributes to 65% of the overall sales. Generally, what is produced are diverse cosmetics packaging components, clothes hangers, bag handles, etc. 2. Sewing manufacturing - the sewing department is speialised in the production of specialised workwear, skiwear and hunting clothing, etc. the enteprise possesses all the necessary technical equipment for ensuring the quality of the produced clothing. Due to this high-level performance two big Italian companies and one Bulgarian firm initiated a joint ski wear production in collaboration with "Rayna Knyaginya - P". 3. Cardboard manufacturing - the enterprise is manufacturing customised cardoboard packages. The firm realises economies of scale, due to the high production levels maintained.

A13 - Achievements of the GP
Permanent employment for people with disabilities - 46 people. These individuals acquire a chance for entering the labour market, professional development, capabilities to work in mixed-ability groups. The firm realises economies of scale, due to the high production levels maintained.